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Our Campus is a Classroom

An Uncommonly Beautiful Setting

在福克斯克罗夫特,我们通过工作和娱乐享受许多自然资源. 坐落在蓝岭山脉的山麓,占地500英亩, campus is a learning lab, nature preserve, and personal sanctuary all rolled into one.

无论是享受英语课的自然漫步, 在生物课上长途跋涉去鹅溪, 为统计学课检查跟踪摄像机, gathering bamboo for a Physics project, harvesting honey from campus hives, 或者在夏洛特小姐的花园里找个安静的地方看书, 学生们与周围的动植物一起成长茁壮.


将自然融入课堂远不止是带学生到户外上课. 它需要设计一个计划,让学生以有意义的方式沉浸在环境中,  investigating the land through historic, scientific, literary, and artistic lenses.— Meghen Tuttle, PHD & Julie Fisher, STEAM Faculty


Certified Wildlife Habitat


Sustainability at Foxcroft



想实时了解福克斯克罗夫特的环保计划? 请访问我们的绿色仪表盘查看电气, geothermal, water consumption and costs across campus!

Check Out Our Green Dashboard

exterior stuart hall

Stuart Hall

Foxcroft's LEED-Certified Dormitory

斯图尔特大厅是我们校园内第一座获得能源与环境设计(LEED)认证的建筑. 宿舍是用环保材料建造的. 它包含节能装置和电器.

  • 1 Gold LEED Certification
  • 2个Wintergreen绿色建筑优秀奖
  • 33口地热井用于供暖和制冷
  • 25,731平方英尺的空间

View Stuart Hall's Dashboard

exterior court welcome center


A Green Welcome Center

Originally a dormitory, 法院于2016年重新装修并重新投入使用,成为欢迎中心,以便福克斯克罗夫特的后代女孩可以享受这座心爱的建筑.

  • 15口地热井用于供暖和制冷
  • 14,892 sq. ft. of carpet made from recyclable material
  • 175 LED lights throughout the buidling
  • 12 low flow toilets & aerators installed to conserve water

View Court's Dashboard

Good Stewards of the Environment

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